SEO Kya Hai (Search Engine Optimization 2021)

 We have explained you in very easy words in this post.

If you want to make a career in Blog, YouTube or Digital Marketing, then it is very important for you to have knowledge about SEO.Blogging for online earning, YouTube is a good medium today, so that you can earn a lot of money. But for this you need traffic, which read your blog or watch your video.seo kya hai in hindi

Let us know how SEO can help you to increase this traffic / visitors.

What is SEO? – What is SEO in Hindi

full form of SEO is " Search Engine Optimization ". SEO is a process using which we can get free, organic traffic to our website from search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing).

You would know that there are many search engines in the world like Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex etcAll these search engines have their own algorithm or some ranking factors. Through SEO, we optimize our content according to this algorithm, so that our content ranks at the top of the search engine and we get maximum traffic.

About 60% of all traffic on the web comes from Google search.

Google's market share is ~ 92%. That is why everyone asks to optimize their website for Google instead of Bing, DuckDuckGo, or any other search engine.

The important work related to SEO is writing high quality content , optimizing the content against specific keywords and creating backlinks.

To understand SEO better, let me give you an example; Suppose you have a website, but you need visitors to earn money from that website. You have 3 ways to bring visitors/traffic;

  • Share your site in social media.
  • Promote your content through paid promotion.
  • Bring traffic from organic search.

The advantage of organic search is: you can get free, passive, huge traffic month after month on your website. But to get organic traffic, it is necessary to rank your content on the first page in SERP .

 The result page that shows up when you type anything in Google's search box is called SERP.

SERPs include organic search results, Google paid Ads results, Featured Snippet, Knowledge Graphs and video results.

SERP result
SERP (search engine result page)

You have come to know what SEO is , but before knowing more about it, we first know its basic i.e. search engine, that how it works, only then we can understand SEO well.

How Search Engine Works?

Search engines are like libraries, and they store web pages instead of books.

When you type a query into a search engine, it scans all the pages indexed in it and tries to give the most relevant, best results. To do this, it uses a computer program called an algorithm.

No one knows exactly how these algorithms work, but based on patents and statements filed from Google, we know on what basis web pages are ranked.

Google crawls its search results to a large extent on the basis of relevancy and authority, so that it can provide the best answer. Similarly, the search engine also determines whether it is easy to navigate, read and user-friendly.

Google famously uses over 200 ranking factors. But do not focus too much on all these factors, rather try to provide the best answer for the users.

Why SEO is Important for Blog?

The purpose of a blog is to make our content reach as many people as possible so that we can earn money from it. But is it that easy?

I am going to give you some stats here so that you will know why SEO is important for your blog?

WordPress users alone publish more than 2 million posts every day, that is, 24 blog posts every second.

A study conducted by Backlinko revealed;

  • Google के organic search results में Rank 1 result का average CTR है 31.7%.
  • Just the first 3 results of 75.1% click get.
  • Only 0.78% of Google searchers clicked on the second page .
google organic ctr by position
Source: Backlinko

From this data, you can also understand that out of millions of content, only a select few get free traffic from Google. For this, along with your content being good, its SEO should also be the best, so that it can stand out from millions of results and rank on the first page of Google.

There are many other benefits of doing SEO in your blog/website such as,

  • Helps your target audience find the site.
  • Increases your credibility and authority
  • It helps you to stay ahead of your competitors.
  • This helps in improving the user experience.
  • Optimizes your website so that you can get more traffic.


Keeping in mind how the search engine works and how to do SEO in your blog, you should write content that can rank.

Search engine algorithms are always changing. So there is no guarantee that what is important today will be important next year as well. But there are some factors of SEO that will always be consistent such as Authority, Quality Content and Backlinks.

I hope you liked the information given about SEO (what is SEO in Hindi) . In this way, if you want to support us to write a good post, then definitely share it in your social media.

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